Artist Blog: Nam June Paik

Known as the man who invented video art, Nam June Paik is an important artist of our time. He truly transformed video into an artist’s medium with his media based art that changed and influenced our understanding of visual culture.

His famous works include, the Electronic Superhighway, TV Garden, Zen for TV, Egg Grows, Megatron/Matrix, and so much more.

When researching about Paik, I had no idea that he was the guy behind all these amazing creations. Last year, I went on a trip to Washington, D.C to see the famous Electronic Superhighway. Little did I know about the man behind it though. I went to the museum to see that very exhibit and I remember staring in front of the massive piece of art for quite some time. The highway was so magnificent and huge, it caught my attention and honestly i could have stood there all day just watching all the little TV’s flutter and change about. The Electronic Superhighway is unlikes anything i’ve ever seen. Paik is so innovative in his works and truly puts all his heart and soul into his video creations.

The way that Paik incorporates televisions into his artwork is what makes him an intense and meaningful artist. I love the way that he intertwines electronic technology to create huge masterpieces. I think the art he created influenced SO many other artists to use TV and media in cultural and other types are art.

Below are some of my favorite works of him:

The Electronic Superhighway 1995:


Megatron/Matrix 1995:


Zen for TV 1963/1990:



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